
My latest Game, which I have been working on with my friends and fellow students Ines Hennemann and Alex Filip. It is a VR-Game in which the player is a tree spirit. Detached from the body the spirit is heading out into the mortal world, searching for the very essence of being human. The player is able to interact with their surroundings by controlling balls of spiritual energy. The Yokai they collect along the way unlock new features.

The Intro Image below was created by Alex FIlip

Mul's Adventures
Mul's Adventures

Second semester, second game! This time a 2D-Mobile-Game, in which the player follows our protagonist, the little underwater blob, Mul, through an underwater cave system. By solving little puzzles and trying to stay alive, by e.g. collecting bubbles), the player explores these caves and it's denizens and tries to find a way out.

A Dreamer's Home
A Dreamer's Home

My first game prototype! We were supposed to create a 3D-Computer-Game based on something autobiographical. I chose to base it on my favorite escape: reading. The player spawns in a bedroom, where the bookshelf is a magical portal into different bookish worlds. The player can explore these places and get to know some of the characteres.

These bookish worlds are based on Sarah J. Maas and Cassandra Clares work.

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